Wednesday, January 23, 2013

A Desire to Aspire

A Desire to Aspire
Shelley Renzi
For those of us who have been wandering, lost in the woods of the world, wondering if we can purvey something better for those that will come after us:  The answer is yes!  A desire to aspire is the spark that ignites the beginning of a change to how things have been and pushes us to seek a better way of being.  Once you accept things are not as they should be or could be, you have already begun the walk down the path toward how they will become.
I have felt broken.  No one is really broken but I have believed I was.  I have been lost in the woods wondering how and if things could ever change.  When we are, as we are, for as long as we have been, we struggle to envision anything different, so it isn't easy to look beyond and conceive of what could be.  If you could, what would you see?
A world where people care before they ignore?  A world where we have the foresight to grasp the reverberated effects of what we are doing, as we are doing us the fortitude to restrain and control our animalistic tendencies to perpetrate pain in order to gain strength?  Can you picture a world evolved to positive over negative?  Integration over elimination?  Recycling over ending?  Respect and thoughtfulness over judgment and disgust?  Love over hate?  Compassion over anger?  Peace over fear?  Kindness over cruelty?
Dr. MLK Jr had a dream, that all people should be treated fairly.  He came from a place where he was hated because he was born the wrong color.  He was pushed down and trampled because ignorance and might reigned over tolerance.  Did he deserve to be so wronged?  Does anyone born into ugliness deserve their fate?  The earth we are born upon, is perfect in every way fathomable.  It is self-sustaining and creates the exact right balance of atmosphere, oxygen, temperature, growth, energy and recyclability to produce, and maintain life.  The animals granted the right to inhabit the earth are afforded the same abilities as the earth itself.   As self-proclaimed rulers of the earth and it's animals, humans have the extraordinary advantage of learning and understanding.  This means we can alter the way we choose to live, based on what we have learned and experienced.  The earth and it's animals continue in the cyclical phases they have always followed, while humans can grow in understanding exponentially.   We have the ability to evolve in a lifetime, v. an existence, and each subsequent generation is cumulatively more capable of expanding in all realms conceivable.  As a race and as individuals we possess greatness.
When we chose to allow negativities to create veils of distraction we cannot see beyond, we stunt our goals toward all we have the potential to become.  We all have a desire to aspire to something better than we are.  This is the greatness within pulling us forward.  When we aspire to be better than what came before us, the power we possess is based in goodness and therefore stronger than any other power.   What we chose to follow, share and be more in tune with returns to us tenfold.  Should we pervade and follow negative desires, negativity will echo back to us.  Should we chose to attain positivity, through learning, understanding and sharing the goodness in life, like forgiveness, compassion, peacefulness and love - this is what will come back to us tenfold.
Where is your desire to aspire today?  Is it pushed to the side, until you have "time" to attend to it?  Is it front and center in your heart, your goals and your life… right where it should be?  Is it too hard to peel away the layers of badness that block you in and hold you down to allow yourself to wonder where it might be?  What it might be?  How it could change you?
Can you take a moment today and another moment tomorrow and one more the next day to consider what you aspire to?  It is not in sitting idly by, while the whole of your life passes, to find  you have left only less for the next… but instead to come to accept all that is, see what could be improved and strive to alter things for the better that utilizes the greatness you possess.
The universe asks us to use the gifts we have all been imbued with to alter our world from negativity.  We have each received life, love and learning.  How can you begin using your gifts to aspire to what you desire?

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Inverse Triangle: My Symbol of Balance, Love, Peace and Beauty

Inverse Triangle/Pyramid  10/21/12

The symbol I find most conducive to positive human existence is the inverse triangle.
It represents the need for balance. If resting on the tip - balance is required to maintain fluctuation in either direction. This inverse triangle, however, is 3 dimensional, as is life. Balance, therefore, is required not only in opposing directions but in multi planar directions consistently.
The inverse triangle is also pyramidal because as we begin our conscious lives, we have very little, as our inverse triangle depicts with a beginning at one point. As we grow, we enlarge in multiple directions consecutively. As we grow and enlarge, balance becomes more challenging. Also as we grow - we are capable of increased expansion at all edges of realization, awareness, understanding, perception and consciousness....always increasing that maintenance of balance.
To further depict my symbol of existence - imagine a heart within the inverse triangle, it's point meeting the triangles point. This heart represents Love. Love is an inexplicable entity our human minds can only minimally fathom. Love represents our earthy quest. If the triangle represents our individual needs, Love represents our need for others.
Within the heart is the symbol for Peace. Internal and external Peace is what we receive upon transcendence from our earthly bodies. It is also what we wish for upon this earth. We all know we will ultimately have it so we wish some semblance of recognition now. We strive for it and work towards it, here on earth, as a goal for all humanity. These are our greatest personal and communal desires.
Within the symbol for Peace, envision a flower comprised of eleven petals. Eleven, another symbol for Balance, connecting us back to the original shape - our inverse triangle. The flower itself represents Beauty. Beauty in all we touch, learn, know and experience. Beauty exists all around us, at all times. We simply need to recognize it to appreciate all we are, all we have come to be, all we are surrounded by and all we have experienced and shared.
At the very center of the flower is You. There is nothing without You.
When the body, mind, heart and soul are in Balance - there can be Love
Where there is Love, there can be Peace
Where there is Peace, there can be Beauty
Where there is Beauty, there can be ...
Compassion and Connection to all